An Adenium Website
'Beauty of Taiwan'
(aka 'Taiwan Beauty')
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum complex hybrid.
Creator: Unknown; Taiwan origin.
Plant: Spreading shrub with lush foliage of large leaves. Known only as grafted plants? Evergreen?
Flower: Circular, large. Color somewhat variable. Petals usually uniform light pink with very slight fading toward throat. Sometimes petals blush with slightly darker pink edge. Throat solid deep red. Renowned for blooming profusely.
Notes: This cv. was popular in Bangkok, Thailand nurseries in 2000. It's exceptionally elegant and is hopefully still on the market.

Above: A large specimen of 'Beauty of Taiwan' in Bangkok. This specimen is multiple grafts on a giant rootstock, probably somalense. Photo: Ashish Hansoti.

Above: A young grafted plant of 'Beauty of Taiwan'.
Above: The flowers of 'Beauty of Taiwan' vary somewhat with weather.

Above left: 'Calypso' is a lush shrub whose foliage can conceal its branch structure. Above right: It can be pruned to create an erect shrub that exposes it sculptural form.
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x swazicum complex hybrid.
Creator: Richard J. (Jake) Henny, Florida, USA, ca. 1986.
Plant form: Vigorous, spreading to drooping shrub with massive roots.
Flower: Star-shaped, 82 mm diameter x 28 mm petal width. Petals brilliant pink, fading somewhat toward throat. Throat light pink with faint nectar guides. Flowers almost continuously.
Notes: The pale throat of this cv. indicates that it is probably a second generation backcross to the "obesum" parent. This is one of the earliest named adenium hybrids, and still a plant worthy to be in collections.

Left: Two photos of the brilliant flowers of 'Calypso' taken with different cameras and light conditions.
'Crimson Star'
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x swazicum primary hybrid. (A. "obesum" 'Red Everbloomer' x A. swazicum 'Boyce Thompson')
Creator: Dimmitt, 1985.
Plant form: A vigorous shrub with whitish bark, somewhat swollen main stems, and large roots. The foliage is a lighter green than of most adenium plants. Deciduous in winter unless kept very warm.
Flower: Semi-star-shaped, 86 mm diameter x 25 mm petal width. Petals deep, solid crimson-red with almost no fading toward the throat. Throat deep red. Flowers 10 months a year, taking a break in midwinter.
Notes: 'Crimson Star' and 'Grumbley White' were introduced to the horticultural world in Asia in the early 1990s. They showed that adenium flowers could be had in colors other than the common pink, and this triggered a surge in adenium popularity that continues today.
The whitish bark and pale green leaves are diagnostic of this clone. Plants can be pruned to create a spreading shrub or an erect tree.
This clone seems to have become senescent, in that cuttings no longer regain their youthful vigor as shown in some of the photos here. Cuttings and grafts grow weakly and don't develop the characteristic massive roots. If anyone has large specimens that were propagated after about 2000, please inform me. I know of no other adenium that has lost its vigor.

Above left: a 10-year-old cutting of adenium 'Crimson Star'. This cv. has almost no caudex, but the trunk and main stems thicken nicely, as do the roots. Above right: 'Crimson Star' on a graft. These plants were trained as trees.

Above left: a flower of 'Crimson Star' (bottom) with its parents A. "obesum" 'Red Everbloomer' (left) and A. swazicum 'Boyce Thompson'. This old scanned transparency is oversaturated. The photo above right is closer to 'Crimson Star's' color. Notice the centripetal fading of the petals of the "obesum" parent, and the solid color and characteristic dark throat of the hybrid.

Above: a 4-year-old cutting of adenium 'Crimson Star', allowed to grow as a shrub. It's about 3 feet wide and was grown in pure peat moss. Adeniums aren't sensitive to potting medium as long as it's well-drained. This plant was grown in the 1990s. Today this clone has become senescent; cuttings no longer rejuvenate and grow this vigorously.

Above: Adenium 'Crimson Star' grafted onto 'Arabian Ruby'. Photo: Kevin Barber.
Above: Adenium flower color varies with temperature, becoming more pale with increasing temperature. 'Crimson Star' is one of the more sensitive; these flowers opened after a week of 110+ F (43+ C) weather.

Above: The author with a 30-year-old cutting of adenium 'Crimson Star' in 2018. It died in 2022, apparently from being overpotted. Beware! Photo: Sarah Clark.

Left: Aggressive rot consumed it Nothing lives forever..

Above: The original seedling of adenium 'Endless Sunset' at 14 years old.
'Endless Sunset'
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x swazicum primary hybrid (A. "obesum" 'Red Everbloomer' x A. swazicum 'Perpetual Pink')
Creator: Dimmitt,1983.
Plant form: Vigorous erect shrub, taller than wide; significantly swollen roots and main stems; evergreen.
Flower: Round, 75 mm diameter x 35 mm petal width. Petals have bright pink edges, fading to medium pink at throat. Throat pink with no nectar guides. Flowers year round if kept warm.
Notes: This F1 hybrid is unusual in that the fading petals show "obesum" dominance instead of the usual solid color of swazicum hybrids.

Above: The flower of adenium 'Endless Sunset'.
'Evelyn Marie'
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x swazicum primary hybrid: (A. "obesum" 'Red Everbloomer' x A. swazicum 'Perpetual Pink')
Creator: Dimmitt 1987.
Plant form: Vigorous spreading shrub with fairly sturdy branches and immensely swollen roots. Evergreen.
Flower: Circular, 78 mm diameter x 38 mm petal width. Petals deep pink with narrow reddish-pink margin; color fades to medium pink at throat. Throat pink with no nectar guides. Blooms year round under tropical conditions.
Notes: Named in honor of my mother Evelyn Marie (Steele) Dimmitt.

Above: Adenium 'Evelyn Marie', the original seedling at 17 years old. The plant is about 4 x 4 feet in a 24-inch pot.

Above: My mother in 2000 with her new namesake adenium.
Above: 'Evelyn Marie' grows a massive "caudex", which are actually roots.
Above: The flower of adenium 'Evelyn Marie'.

Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum complex hybrid.
Creator: Unknown, Taiwan.
Plant form: Medium-size shrub with weak stems. Known only on grafts. Semideciduous winter rest.
Flower: Star-shaped, large, 97 mm diameter x 26 mm petal width. Petals intense, solid crimson-red except for a white blaze at the petal bases. The blazes connect around the throat to create a starburst effect. Throat black with no nectar guides. Blooms over a long season.
Notes: The white starburst helps to accent the intense color of this beautiful cultivar. This trait shows up occasionally in a wide range of hybrids.
Above: A small specimen of 'Gemini' grafted onto an A. "arabicum" hybrid rootstock, in a 12-inch pot.

Left and above: Doctor, my eyes! (Apologies to Jackson Browne)

'Jade Lotus'
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum (complex?) hybrid. (or possibly x A. boehmianum)
Creator: Unknown, Taiwan
Plant form: Lax spreading shrub with very large leaves. Known only as grafted plants.
Flower: Large,circular, 82 mm diameter x 38 mm petal width. Petals uniform pale pink to nearly white depending on temperature. Throat red with no nectar guides.
Notes: The big leaves suggest that one parent could be A. boehmianum instead of swazicum. However, this cultivar grows vigorously, and all of my hybrids with boehmianum grow very slowly. Also, I didn't see any A. boehmianum in Taiwan when I was there in 2008.

Above: A small specimen of 'Jade Lotus' grafted onto an A. "arabicum" hybrid rootstock, in a 10-inch pot.
Above: The flower color of 'Jade Lotus' varies from white to pale pink; probably temperature-related.

Above: The original seedling of 'Little Ruby' at about 15 years old.
'Little Ruby'
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum primary hybrid. (A. "obesum" 'Red Everbloomer' x A. swazicum 'Boyce Thompson')
Creator: Dimmitt 1985
Plant form: Vigorous spreading shrub with modest caudex development in age. Nearly evergreen.
Flower: Smallish, semi-star, 69 mm diameter x 27 mm petal width. Petals crimson, fading slightly toward throat. Throat deep red with no nectar guides. Blooms almost year-round.
Notes: The first crossing of these two parent plants produced 'Crimson Star' and 3 other excellent red-flowered clones; the rest were various shades of pink. 'Little Ruby' is similar to 'C Star', but has more floppy stems and smaller flowers.
Right: The flower of 'Little Ruby'.

'National Beauty'
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum (complex?) hybrid. (or possibly x boehmianum)
Creator: J.F. Suen, Taiwan, before 2008
Plant form: A vigorous, upright to spreading shrub with very large leaves. Known only as grafted plants. Tends to be deciduous in winter.
Flower: Very large, round to nearly circular, 91 mm diameter x 40 mm petal width. Petals vary from uniform intense crimson to purple, to purplish-pink in hottest weather and with age. Throat black. Flowers throughout the warm seasons.
Notes: The big leaves suggest that one parent could be A. boehmianum instead of swazicum. However, this cultivar grows vigorously, and all of my hybrids with boehmianum grow very slowly. Also, I didn't see any A. boehmianum in Taiwan when I was there in 2008.

Above left: grafted specimen of adenium 'National Beauty', 13 years old in a 15-inch pot. Above right: A triple-grafted plant of 'National Beauty'.

The four flower images show variation in the color of 'National Beauty' in different temperature conditions. The deepest colors develop during hot weather, but below about 104 degrees F (40 C).
'Pink Elegance'
Parentage: Unknown; Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum hybrid, (probably backcrossed to "obesum")
Creator: Probably Dimmitt, before 2001
Plant form: A vigorous, upright shrub with a large pseudocaudex (swollen roots).
Flower: Round, 85 mm diameter x 32 mm petal width. Petals light pink with narrow dark pink margin; color fades to near-white at throat. Throat red with no nectar guides. Blooms throughout the warm months.
Notes: This cv. was found in a batch of seedlings grown by Gene Joseph of Plants for the Southwest Nursery. It grows well from cuttings and soon develops the big roots of the mother plant.

Above: Flowers of 'Pink Elegance'

Above: A cutting-grown plant of 'Pink Elegance' in a 12-inch bulb pan. The swazicum parentage really shows in the massive roots.

Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum (primary?) hybrid.
Creator: Unknown, Taiwan, before 2008.
Plant form: A medium-sized shrub with weak, floppy stems. Known only as grafted plants. Evergreen, lush foliage.
Flower: Round, very large, 107 mm diameter x 44 mm petal width. Petals uniform brilliant crimson; throat blackish-red. Blooms in two or three flushes during the warm months.
Notes: The plant needs pruning every few years to maintain a compact form.

Above: A new flower of 'Rainbow' (left) and a week-old one (right).
Above: A grafted plant of 'Rainbow' in a 14-inch pot.
'Red Ribbons'
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum primary hybrid: (A. "obesum" 'Red Everbloomer' x A. swazicum 'Boyce Thompson')
Creator: Dimmitt 1985
Plant form: A spreading shrub with sturdy main stems, no caudex, and moderately swollen roots. Nearly evergreen.
Flower: Very large, star-shaped with long, narrow petals, 110 mm diameter x 30 mm petal width. Petals deep red-pink margins, fading to light pink at the throat. Throat red with no nectar guides. Blooms almost year-round.
Notes: The first crossing of these two parent plants produced 'Crimson Star' and 3 other excellent red-flowered clones; the rest were various shades of pink. 'Red Ribbons' is similar to 'C Star', but has lighter colored flowers.

Above: A cutting-grown 'Red Ribbons' in an 18-inch pot.
Above: Flower of 'Red Ribbons'.

Above: A cutting-grown 'Volcanic Sunset' in an 18-inch pot.
'Volcanic Sunset'
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum primary hybrid: (A. "obesum" 'Red Everbloomer' x A. swazicum 'Boyce Thompson')
Creator: Dimmitt 1985
Plant form: A spreading shrub with sturdy main stems, no caudex, and moderately swollen roots. Nearly evergreen.
Flower: Large, star-shaped, 95 mm diameter x 25 mm petal width. Petals deep red margins, fading to light pink at the throat. Throat red with no nectar guides. Blooms almost year-round.
Notes: The first crossing of these two parent plants produced 'Crimson Star' and 3 other excellent red-flowered clones; the rest were various shades of pink. 'Volcanic Sunset' is similar to 'C Star', but has larger, lighter colored flowers.

Above: The original seedling of 'Volcanic Sunset' at 14 years old in a 22-inch pot.
'White Jade Peony'
Parentage: Adenium "obesum" x A. swazicum (complex?) hybrid.
Creator: Unknown, Taiwan, before 2008.
Plant form: A spreading shrub with lush foliage. Known only as grafted plants.
Flower: Circular, 85 mm diameter x 40 mm petal width. Petals uniform brilliant white. Throat light yellow with dark base, no nectar guides. Blooms two or three times a year.
Notes: A. swazicum parentage intensifies even white flowers.

Above: A small grafted plant of 'White Jade Peony' in a 10-inch pot.
Above: The flower of 'White Jade Peony'.