An Adenium Website
Adenium dhofarense Rzepecky
Adenium dhofarense was described as a new species in 2015*; it was previously considered part of A. "arabicum". It occurs along the coast of Oman and extreme eastern Yemen, and is separated from A. "arabicum" by a 100 km gap where no adeniums occur. The plants are characterized by a broad, squat caudex up to a meter across.The stems are thin and usually floppy, and may root when they contact the ground. Some plants are erect. The leaves are the largest in the genus. The pink flowers usually appear in late spring before the plant leafs out. Flower size is usually small, but is variable. The plants grow very slowly.

Adenium dhofarense in a 6-inch pot and is 3 years old from a tiny collected seedling. An Adenium "arabicum" of this age could be filling a 12-inch pot.

Adenium dhofarense in a 6-inch pot at 6 years from a tiny collected seedling (different from one at left). This is a slow-growing species

Typical flower of Adenium dhofarense.
Adenium dhofarense in the wild

Adenium dhofarense habitat on the cliffs above the Indian Ocean in Dhofar, Oman. Photo: Robert H. Webb.

Adenium dhofarense near Mugsail, Oman (west of Salalah). The weak decumbent stems are characteristic of the species. Photos: Robert H. Webb.

Bob Webb next to an Adenium dhofarense in Dhofar, Oman. Photo: Toni Yocum.

Adenium dhofarense flowers in Dhofar, Oman. Photo: Robert H. Webb.
Right: Toni Yocum next to an Adenium dhofarense in Dhofar, Oman. This plant has unusually erect stems. Photo: Robert H. Webb.

Gallery of images by Gaetano Moschetti
Plants that grow in extreme habitats take on fantastic forms!


Alain Rzepecky and Adenium dhofarense. Photo: Alain Rzepecky.
Marie Rzepecky and Adenium dhofarense. Photo: Alain Rzepecky.
Muhammad al Shanfari (left) and Alain Rzepecky with Adenium dhofarense. Photo: Alain Rzepecky.

Alain Rzepecky and Adenium dhofarense. Photo: Alain Rzepecky.
The surrounding 4 photos show that Adenium dhofarense can grow tall and erect. Click on the thumbnails to see full-size images. Photos: Alain Rzepecky.
* Rzepecky, A. 2015. Adenium dhofarense. A long overlooked species from the central-southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Cact. Succ. J. (U.S.) 87(3):129–135.